Campus dynamics


发布时间:2017-11-02     来源:     浏览量:1152      分享到:





课堂主题为“Life in the Future,刘老师让学生选择一个方面,谈谈五十年后的生活。上课热身环节,刘老师用一个关于“未来科技带给人类生活变化”的小视频,让学生观看并提出自己的想法,并根据本单元的阅读文章总结出未来社会的种种巨变。接着,话题细化到我们生活的方方面面,例如未来的交通、医疗、工作、教育等,通过小组讨论与汇报的形式,让学生畅所欲言,展示自己想象中未来社会的景象。



随后,课堂步入写作正题。刘老师依次用三篇描写未来社会的短文,让学生通过文中划线的接续词、短文填空、和关注时态,总结写作过程中需要注意的三个基本点——TPS(tensepersonstructure)。告诉学生,开车用GPS,写作用TPS。对于structure这个关键部分的构建,刘老师做了详细的讲解与示范,并让学生根据示范步骤复述前面的展示短文“Household robot in the future”。这个过程既培养了学生的写作思维,同时也训练了其口语表达能力。










1. The future life

What will the life be like in 2067?Here are my ideas about it.

First of all,as the development of technology,robots will be in our daily life.We human only need to send our instructions through the Internet to the robots.For example,our breakfast will be ready automatically when we still stay in the bed. What'more,transportation will be great improved,everyone will have a small car powered by solar energy.And also,because of the discovery of new energy,the environmental pollution will be under control.

For students,they needn't go to school everyday,they may have a small pad which can teach them enough skills.

All in all,our life will be more and more convenient in 2067.

2. What will be like in 2067, it has no answer.The world is changing everyday, but I have some ideas of our future life.

In 2067, people won't leave home even they have to work. Everything can be done at your home. Your robot can help you of everything if you're on working, you can wear on a smart glass and facetime with your workmates.

But it still have many problems in e-life. First, people won't have enough exercise, everyone may be lazy and heavy, although doctors have more ways to save you, you may still die because you're so fat.

The e-life is comfortable and convenience, but it will also make people lazy. How to solve the problem will be a big question.

3. What will the life in 2067 be like?All students in our class imagine it recently. Everyone has different ideas.Here is what I think about.I think the life in 2067 will be very different.It will be more convenient.There will be no driver, no teacher and no worker because robots will take the place of human to work.Everyone can just enjoy the life happily.And the medicine will develop quickly.Medical treatment for citizens will be largely promoted and some incurable diseases nowadays will become curable.I also think environment will be better.We will find many ways to improve the environment.There will be more tree planted.And the desert area will reduce.All in all, life in 2067 will be easier and happier.


4. We don't know how different our life will be in the future,but we can try to imagine it.

At first we think about human relationships.In 2067,we will make new friends through the Internet.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand,our relationships with other people won't be as important as they are today we will feel a little lonely.

Then spending holidays will be completely different.Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.And we will use solar-powered cars,which will be much environmentally friendly.

As for environment,many people think it will be worse ,but I don't think so.We will pay more attention to protecting environment.Scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases,like cancer or AIDS.Therefore,our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.

Although we can't predict the exact changes which will be made in the world,we often think about them.And we should be happy and believe good things will happen.